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Governing Bodies


St. Mary's has three consultative bodies that serve to advise the pastor about pastoral issues. Their main purposes are to investigate, reflect, and research conclusions about pastoral matters to recommend to the pastor as appropriate.​  Members of these committees/councils are appointed by the pastor. 

Pastoral Council

The purpose of the Pastoral Council is to identify the spiritual and temporal needs of the parish community and to encourage members of the parish community to participate in the life of the parish. As a council, the members are responsible for the needs of the Universal Church as well as those of the parish. The members, in consultation with the pastor, staff, and ministerial committees, discuss, research, and through consensus, recommend the direction which the parish should take in matters of the church.​


The membership consists of both, selected and non-selected members. All members are involved with parish activities and make a commitment to offering a talent or skill to council ministry. Selected members of the Pastoral Council must be confirmed, registered Catholic members of the parish, in good standing. Each member shall serve a two (2) year term. 

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee serves the pastor in an advisory capacity for all financial matters pertaining to the parish. These include: preparation and review of annual operating budgets, short and long-term business plans, capital expenditures, and investment programs and policies. Members of this committee are appointed by the pastor. Appointed members should have background/experience in finance and/or business. Ideally, one member should have a legal background. 

Liturgy Committee

Mass doesn't just happen - it takes planning. The Liturgy Committee plans and coordinates our liturgies throughout the year. The Liturgy Committee is comprised of the pastor, representatives from each liturgical ministry, the director of music ministry, a staff representative, and representatives from certain support ministries. Members of this committee are appointed by the pastor.

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