Capital Campaign Corner
Page Contents:
Capital Campaign Report - November 2024
Donate Online via Weshare Giving
Feasibility Survey
Fr. Cliff's March 3, 2024 Homily/Video
Case Statement
Capital Campaign Overview Video
Capital Campaign Reception Video
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The Posters
Feasibility Survey
St. Mary’s is in the process of conducting a Feasibility Survey to prioritize our projects and help assess the potential results of a parish capital campaign. We would like to address numerous projects throughout our parish campus and these items were listed in last week’s bulletin insert; a copy of that case statement document can be viewed below or downloaded here.
The major purpose of this survey is to obtain the feedback from as many parishioners as possible.
Anyone who has not filled out a survey in church is welcome to complete one online by clicking the button below.
If you did not hear my homily this weekend, you are encouraged to watch it below before completing the survey.
With every prayerful wish, I remain,
Prayerfully yours,
Fr. Cliff
(Rev.) Clifford Auth
A note of thanks for the surveys we have received thus far. Of the 300 completed surveys, 95%
have been in favor of a campaign for which we are very grateful!
Case Statement
Capital Campaign Overview Video
Capital Campaign Reception Video
If you weren't able to attend one of the capital campaign receptions, you can watch one here !
St. Mary’s Capital Campaign FAQs
(Frequently Asked Questions)
The following is a list of Frequently Asked Questions from the survey responses we received. This information is provided to clarify any questions that you may have regarding the St. Mary’s Capital Campaign.
For further information contact Mary Raymond at the parish office (ext. 110) or at
Question: What is the purpose of this campaign?
Answer: This Capital Campaign is designed specifically to fund necessary repairs and improvements to the facilities here at St. Mary's. Money pledged during this campaign will go into a restricted account.
Question: Why is now the time for a capital campaign?
Answer: Two reasons:
1.) The present state of our facilities requires us to take action to preserve them.
2.) As Fr. Cliff shared in his homily last weekend, there are fewer than 15 priests under the age of 50 in the entire diocese. Priest personnel changes are a more frequent occurrence and there is a decent chance that Fr. Cliff will have different pastoral responsibilities after July 1st of this year. This is not the fault of the Bishop or the Diocese; it is simply where we find ourselves as Church. Diocesan priests will not have the luxury of staying in parishes for extended periods of time but rather minister where they are needed most.
In the event of a change, we want to make St. Mary's attractive to a new pastor who will not want to be saddled with the headache of physical plant woes the minute he arrives. Having some of the necessary work underway, with a plan and the means in place to accomplish the rest will allow him to concentrate on his pastoral duties.
Question: Has the St. Mary's Capital Campaign been approved by the Diocese?
Answer: Yes, Fr. Cliff and the Finance Committee (including our Trustees) went through the normal process to gain the approval from the Bishop’s office.
Question: Will any of the Capital Campaign donations be used for the diocesan settlement?
Answer: The money that St. Mary’s must pay as part of the settlement has already been set aside. No donations to the Capital Campaign can or will be used for the settlement.
Question: Will I be asked to make a HOPE Appeal Donation this fall?
No, our 2024 obligation to support HOPE Appeal programs and ministries will be met through this campaign. Approximately, $56,050.00 will be reserved for those ministries. We will not conduct a separate HOPE Appeal campaign in 2024.
Question: What is a "restricted account"? What does that mean?
Answer: A restricted account allows St. Mary's to use the funds from this Capital Campaign to address the specific projects outlined in the proposal as well as those that may arise unexpectedly. Additionally, we will pay the 2024 HOPE Appeal Parish Assessment from this fund. These funds cannot be used to pay ordinary expenses such as salaries and utility bills, or to purchase materials outside of what is needed for maintenance projects. In other words, the money raised will be used for the areas on our campus in need of repair.
Question: Why tackle these maintenance projects when other parishes are closing/consolidating?
Answer: We make repairs on our own homes even though we might move some day. We need to do the same here. St. Mary's is a vibrant parish. We have been growing in members and programs. There was an interesting article in the February 15, 2024 edition of the Catholic Sun that reported statistics of all the Catholic parishes in Oswego County and north/northwest Onondaga County (Vicariate 1). The information can be found at St. Mary's statistics are very impressive and evidence that we are truly a vibrant parish. Maintaining our facilities is an important part of ensuring we can continue our ministry and mission.
Question: How will the projects be prioritized?
Answer: The order in which projects will be undertaken will be influenced by several factors including: the urgency with which the problem should be addressed, the promptness with which final estimates are provided, availability of reputable contractors, cost, and any other appropriate factor. The pastor will consult with the pastoral council, the finance committee, the capital campaign committee, the trustees, parish staff including the maintenance supervisor, the school principal and interested parishioners.
Question: In what form may donations be made?
Answer: Pledges will payable over the course of five years. Specific payment plans and methods will be addressed in the coming weeks.
Capital Campaign Reports
We've made tremendous progress on our projects! Here's an update of what we're currently doing, plus what's next on our to-do list!
Click here to download this November 8, 2024 Capital Campaign Report.
We've made tremendous progress on our projects! Here's an update of what we're currently doing, plus what's next on our to-do list!